Parish Announcements – 14th July 2024
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 14, 2024 | Parish Notices
Today, Salvation Green Cell celebrates the World Population Day. Kindly visit their counter at the Church Entrance and participate in this celebration.
Today, the SCC Steering Committee Meeting will be held on Sunday, 14th July after the 9.30 am Mass.
Salvation Bombay Catholic Sabha Unit is Felicitating the newly elected MP, Shri Anil Desai today from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm at Dr. Antonio Da Silva School Auditorium.
Parish English Prayer Group, Helmet of Salvation, celebrates its Golden Jubilee on Tuesday, 16th July with a Mass at 7.00 pm. All are invited.
Women’s Cell will be visiting St. Anthony’s Old Aged Home, Bandra on Wednesday, 17th For donation in cash, a box is kept at the Church Entrance.
As part of Parents’ Day Celebrations, Women’s Cell will conduct a Half Hour Prayer Service with Divine Mercy Chaplet and Adoration on Friday, 19th July at 7.30 pm. All are invited.
Next Sunday, 21st July, Sunday School is organizing a Session on “Addiction” for Parents from 9.00 am to 11.00 am in Seva Kendra Hall. For registration, contact the Catechists. There will be no Sunday School next Sunday.
On the Eve of Parents’ Day, The Family Cell is organizing “The Family Week” as follows:
22nd July – Visiting the Parents of the Priests, Religious and Special Children.
23rd July – The Requiem Mass will begin at 6.45pm. The last date to drop the Mass Intentions is Sunday, 21st July.
24th July – A Celebration of Family Time and Togetherness. Coupons are available with the Family Cell Members and after every evening Mass till Saturday, 20th July.
25th July – A Get-together to appreciate our Caregivers at 6.00pm in Conference Room No.2. For registration, contact Parish Office.
26th July – Sharing food and other Monsson requirements to the families of Cancer Patients.
On Friday, 26th July, the Senior Citizens’ Association is celebrating the Feast of Sts. Joaquim and Anne, with a Special Mass at 6.00 pm, followed by a get-together at Seva Kendra Hall. For coupons, kindly contact the Area Coordinators or Committee Members.
Parish Parents’ Day will be celebrated on 27th and 28th July. John and Luke Zone will have their Zonal Mass on Saturday, 27th July, at 7.00 pm, followed by celebrations at the Seva Kendra Hall and Parish Hall respectively. Mark and Matthew Zone will have their Zonal Mass on Sunday, 28th July at 6.30 pm, instead of 7.00 pm, followed by celebrations at Seva Kendra Hall and Stephen Hall respectively. Coupons are available with your PPC Members and SCC Animators.
CITIZEN CREDIT Cooperative Bank is organizing a Seminar on Overseas Education on Sunday, 28th July at 11.00 am at KCA Hall, Bandra West. For details, see the Notice Board.
Salvation Bombay Catholic Sabha will be having its AGM on Wednesday, 31st July at 7.30 pm at Seva Kendra Hall. All Members are requested to kindly attend.
The Parish Talent Contest, organized by the St. Joseph Choral Society, will be held on Sunday, 25th August at 4.30 pm in Seva Kendra Hall. For details, see the Notice Board.
Parish Team