Lay Head : Ms. Christina Pereira
Lay Asst.Head : TBA
Priest in Charge : Fr. Michael Pinto

The Synod of the Archdiocese of Bombay 2001 has made it clear that ‘In today’s context when individualism, consumerism and a strong tendency towards independence are militating against the life that Jesus came to give to the world, we are invited to deepen the concept of Community. All of us belong to and are part of a faith-filled and believing community. And together, we are a community of faith, founded upon Baptism and nourished by the Eucharist, the Sacrament of unity. Our spirituality needs to be communitarian, one that leads to an involvement with and inclusion of others, a spirituality that is both, vertical and horizontal in dimension’.

The Parish of Our Lady of Salvation Dadar has been fostering SCCs right from the beginning when SCCs were first introduced in this Archdiocese. This year therefore along with the Archdiocesan Silver Jubilee Celebration of SCCs we celebrate our own long-standing efforts at building community.

The Parish is divided into 23 Communities or Constituencies, each under the care of a Steering Committee Animator guided by the Parish SSC Lay Head. The List of Animators is as follows:

Community 1 (St. Augustine)Rosy Dias
Community 2 (St. Anthony)Issac Mendonca
Community 3 (St. Faustina)Jean Anthony
Community 4 (St. Theresa of Child Jesus)Shirley Fernandes
Community 5 (St. Peter)Christina Pereira
Community 6 (St. Christopher)Wilfred Pereira
Community 7 (St. Andrew)Philomena Fernandes
Community 8 (St. Francis Xavier)George D’mello
Community 9 (St. Blaise)Griselda Fernandes
Community 10 (St. Lawrence)Anita Dias
Community 11 (St. Vincent de Paul)Jacinto Fernandes
Community 12 (St. Maria Goretti)N.A.
Community 13 (St. Anne)Calvin Fernandes
Community 14 (St. Martin) Joannarita Fernandes
Community 15 (St. Jude)Paul Fernandes
Community 16 (St. Gonsalo Garcia)Lassie Gonsalves
Community 17 (St. Thomas)Shobha Dsouza
Community 18 (St. Paul)Leo Rodrigues
Community 19 (St. Sebastian)N.A.
Community 20 (St. John the Baptist)Anita Dsouza
Community 21 (St. Dominic Savio)Amelia D’costa
Community 22 (St. Michael)Angia Fernandes
Community 23 (Holy Family)Andrew Fernandes

Collaborating and Networking between various constituencies, with the help of the clusters and their animators are the key factors that build a strong bonding among the parishioners enabling them to carry out the mission of the church.


Lay Head : Cajetan Braganza
Lay Asst.Head : Ferdy Pereira
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joel Pinto

Purpose :

The Parish Liturgy Team, aims to give spiritual direction to the faithful in accordance with the guidelines given in the GIRM- General Instruction in the Roman Missal and in the Councilia & Post Councilia documents of Vatican II. The Parish Liturgy Team plans  and prepares parish’s liturgical celebrations of Sundays, major feasts,  seasons and on special occasions-raliies, conventions, seminars etc.


  • To implement the objectives of the Parish Pastoral Council, that impact the celebration of the liturgy.
  • To provide ongoing formation for its members with particular emphasis on the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, The Sacramentary, The Lectionary, Music, and the “General Norms for the Liturgical Year and Calendar.”
  • To ensure compliance with the liturgical directives, guidelines, norms and policies of the parish, Archdiocese and the universal church.
  • To provide input and feedback for homilies.
  • To make recommendations to the liturgical ministries, concerning the rituals and music for Sundays, the major feasts and the seasons.
  • To plan and execute the church decor, with the use of electronic gadgets, props and banners with messages relevant to the seasons and feasts.
  • To evaluate the liturgical celebrations of the parish.
  • To be in touch with the parish at large: bringing back to the committee any concerns parishioners may have.
  • To research how other parishes celebrate and to keep abreast of current developments on the liturgy.


This committee meets once every month as a body, structured as follows : The Director – Parish Priest,  Lay Head, Asst. Lay Head, Secretary, Heads of the Liturgical Subcommittees viz: Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, Lectors, Choirs & Cantors, Ushers,  Altar Care Team, Host Making Team, Cash Collecting Team, and The Mass Coordinators, to ensure  implementation of all that is planned  by coordinating all ministries involved for better participation of the lay faithful, at every liturgical celebration.


Lay Head : Dylan D’Souza
Lay Asst.Head : Craig D’souza
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joel Pinto

Rehearsals                   : Thursdays: 8 pm – 9 pm in Church

Established                  :  1914

Aims and Objectives  : To provide liturgical music in keeping with the norms laid down by the church. 

Activities                      : We sing at the 9:30 am Mass on Sundays and Feasts under instructions of the Parish Priest, who is the ex-officio President of the Choir.

In former days our choir was held in high esteem by the higher authorities of the Archdiocese. The late Valerian Cardinal Gracias regularly invited us to sing at his annual Lenten Sunday evening discourses at Holy Name Cathedral, where we rendered Latin Motets by masters of Sacred Polyphony viz. Palestrina, Vittoria etc. This was music regularly in use within the Liturgy especially in Holy Week, in those days

Vatican II changed all this and the choir no longer sings alone, and rarely in Latin. Today the choir is called upon to lead the congregation in singing those parts appropriate to them and otherwise to create an atmosphere conducive to meditative prayer leading to an interiorisation of the peoples’ participation in the Liturgy.

On the secular front, our choir has stage musicals like Cinderella, Alladin, Hearts are Trumps. The Naughty Nineties. The Roaring Forties etc. Most of these were scripted by the late Cynthia Roderick, who was one of our choristers. The choir also participated  in the annual Church Choir Competitions organized by the Mahim unit of the then Catholic Association of Bombay and in 1968 and 1969 we bagged the Trophies for the Best Choir and the Best Conductor in the Archdiocese.

We celebrated our Platinum Jubilee in 1989. The highlight of our celebration, apart from staging “The Roaring Forties” was a concert of Sacred Music at the Tata Theatre sponsored jointly by The National Centre for the Performing Arts and the Stop-Gaps Choral Ensemble. At this concert we featured our own Late Donald Mendonca and guest artistes. We  rounded off the evening with Vivaldi’s “Magnificat” featuring soloists and accompanied at the piano by Jeanne Coelho.

In recent times our secular activity has been restricted to organizing the Annual Parish Talent Contest (both Classical and non-classical) in an attempt to unearth and nurture musical talent in our youth and offer them a platform to display their abilities.

Our choir has also participating regularly in the annual Festival of Festive Music presented by the Stop-Gaps, from  its inception till about 1997 and we have received very good reviews by the music critics in the local press.


Lay Head : Edwin Carvalho
Lay Asst.Head : Peter Trinidade
Priest in Charge : Fr Joel Pinto

Our Lady of Salvation Youth Choir is the realization of a dream formed in July 1977 under the direction of its founder Fr. Edward Sequeira. The Choir celebrated its Silver Jubilee on 28th July, 2002. In the span of 30 years the dedication, drive and enthusiasm of the members under the direction of its conductor and organist, Bridget Carvalho, have helped it to expand into a full-fledged Choir which has left an indelible mark on the Church of Our Lady of Salvation. 

The Choir comprises singers from different socio-economic backgrounds and age-groups, mostly school and college students, amateur musicians, young working people from different walks of life who are all bound by a common desire and passion for semi-classical, gospel and light music. They strongly believe that music and the arts have the power to transcend racial, communal and religious barriers. The Choir, though primarily dedicated to rendering Liturgical Music at the Church of Our Lady of Salvation, has performed varied programmes of music over the past 30 years. Their repertoire ranges from well-known classical, religious works and old favourites to effervescent jazz and pop.

Under the baton of Chapman Roberts, the Choir has also performed on the concert stage, notably along with the American Gospel Singers at the Jazz Yatra ’80 festival in Mumbai.

The Choir has also performed for two consecutive years at the Christmas concerts under the baton of Pervez Doctor along with the B.P Salon Ensemble at the Patkar Auditorium, the Christmas broadcast of Yuletide Music on Yuv Vani, All India Radio, Mumbai and at various prestigious functions and in different churches in and outside Mumbai. The performances of the Choir and their efforts at fostering and promoting religious music have been lauded by both press and public.


Lay Head : Ferdy Pereira
Lay Asst.Head : Noletti Pereira
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joel Pinto
Cell Co-ordinator : Ferdie

The Sunday Evening Choir now known as ‘Joyful Proclaimers’ lead the singing at the 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic celebration every Sunday. They are mostly college-going and working youth, led by Ferdy Pereira supported by Noletti & Vanessa. They have chosen Maria Goretti as their Patron saint as she is a wonderful model and inspiration for youth. They are scouting for talented vocalists or instrumentalists who would be willing to join them in loving and serving God through music. They practice every Sunday evening at 5.45p.m.

For more information contact

Ferdy – 9930077982

Noletti – 9930077982

Vanessa – 9664376568


Lay Head : Cajetan Braganza
Lay Asst.Head : Sylvia Mascarenhas
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joel Pinto


Lay Head : Maria D’souza
Lay Asst.Head : Severine Peres
Priest in Charge : Fr Michael Pinto


Lay Head: George D’Mello

Lay Asst Head: Alfred Nogueira

Priest in Charge: Fr Glasten Gonsalves

Introduction to Salvation Green Cell –

The Salvation Green Cell was formed in Aug, 2022 under the stewardship of Fr Glasten Gonsalves in response to the call of the Archdiocesan Office for Environment.

Post 2015, the Laudato Si Encyclical from Pope Francis exhorted all Christians across the world to Care for our Common Home.

Thus, the Mumbai Archdiocesan Office for Environment reached out to key parishes in the 11 Deaneries across Mumbai requesting for the setting up of Units in each Parish that would place ecology and spirituality at the focal point of their thoughts and actions, i.e. An Integral Ecology.

These individuals would come together to form groups that would further sensitise, influence and motivate parishioners to inculcate environmentally friendly living practices thus demonstrating a care for Mother Earth and correspondingly a Care for the Poor.

Thus, the Salvation Green Cell was formed with the vision –

  1. a) To imbibe within all an integral ecology that both spiritually and scientifically highlights the connectedness of all creation
  2. b) To sensitise and motivate as many parishioners as possible towards a greater caring for all of creation including the preservation of natural beauty in our surroundings
  3. c) To promote amongst parishioners, practices that demonstrate protection of the environment through sustainable living, thus also caring for both creation and the poor through our actions

All of the above points imply that while we have started in the vicinity of the church as the area under influence, in time we hope to take the Integral ecology agenda to the communities, within the coverage area of the Parish and finally into the homes of parishioners.


Lay Head : Sydney Dsouza
Lay Asst.Head : Joshua Nazareth
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joel Pinto

As young school going kids the one day in the week that we eagerly await for is Sunday. Not just because it is one of our week-end off, but because of our weekly Altar Servers meeting. The enthusiasm that we have at the meeting is to be seen to believe. Sharp at the dot of 4.00 in the afternoon, we gather with Bro. John and a group of animators. We begin the meeting with the opening prayer. The recitation of the Rosary helps us to focus on our Blessed Mother Mary. The Altar Servers meetings are lively interspersed with quizzes, games and sometimes with talks to help us in our formation as Christian. With this we learn not only to be spiritually strong but also discipline to be good human beings. We are grateful to our parents for permitting us to attend Altar Servers Meeting. We look forward to the future with hope we pray that very soon the young ones who will receive first Holy Communion for the first time with the help of their parents make their decision to join us and be members of the Altar Severs Sodality. May our prayerful assistance to the Priest Celebrant at every Mass be for us a tonic to live lives worthily of our calling? May Jesus whom we serve be pleased with us and may He bless us to remain always in love with Him.

– Priyanka Valles


Lay Head : Ivy
Lay Asst.Head :
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joel Pinto

We started with two members in 1998. Our duties were to arrange and display fresh flowers around the sanctuary, in keeping to the liturgical seasons of the church, every Saturday, Feasts and for special liturgical events.

When decorating, special attention to the scale of decorations, selection of flowers, colour theme, and creativity play an important role.

As the need to maintain fresh flowers during the week was realized, additional personal were recruited to remove flecked and drooping flowers. On Thursdays all flowers are removed and replaced with pelted greenery.

We also adorn with flower arrangements, the area around the statue of Our Lady of Salvation, and maintain variations in the colour of the drapes. Our Lady’s saree is also changed at regular intervals. And while we attend to the altar linen, on the first Saturday of every month we clean up the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

Our total strength is now 30 and we work in groups of three in rotation. Each group is called upon to work once a month.


Lay Head : 
Lay Asst.Head : 
Priest in Charge : 

Day after day, five days a week, you will find a group of ladies running our host-making centre.

They are all members of our Konkani Ladies’ Sodality and they put in four to five hours of work, in groups or teams, five days a week – i.e. daily, except Thursdays and Sundays. They also do pray the rosary as they make the hosts.

This group was started by Fr. Carmino D’Souza, the then Spiritual Director of the Konkani CLM, and ever since then it continues to run to this day.

We often talk about the large number of Communions at our Sunday Masses here at Dadar. It may be that we do not notice the amount of work that goes into the “material preparation” to make that possible.

God bless them for their consistency and for their generoisty and dedication.


Lay Head : Jacinto Fernandes
Lay Asst.Head : Clara Fernandes
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joseph Pimenta

The “Ushering” apostolate is an important ministry in the church. In any event / function, the welcoming plays the important part, to make the guests feel comfortable as they arrive for the event. So also, at the church services, the ushers are needed to welcome the parishioners as they get ready to participate in the Eucharistic or any other devotional practices. The ushers are those working ‘behind the scenes’ to check on the arrangements and other logistics of the function. In the church too, the ushers look into bringing the ‘comfort level’ as the people take their seats to enter into the sacred event of the Church activity. As is usual the norm, an orderly functioning is always appreciated; so too we have the ushers very gently “guiding the assembly with the right decorum to approach in a right manner to receive communion. At the offertory, the ushers have the important responsibility of collecting very systematically the offerings of the Eucharistic people. At certain church functions, the ushers look after the order at processions and play an important role to make the procession a prayerful experience. Mothers with a baby in their arms or senior citizens always look for ushers to give them a suitable seating arrangement and thus help them comfortably participate in the services. At Salvation Church, the ushers numbering around 20 – 25 are seen regularly at the Saturday / Sunday masses, committed and dedicated to the work, silently doing their duty; often a thankless job. The ushers meet at regular intervals to act on feedback and further plan the coming events.


Lay Head : Francis D’Silva
Lay Asst.Head : Marcus Rodrigues
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joseph Pimenta


Lay Head : Remy Nunes
Lay Asst.Head :
Priest in Charge : 


Lay Head : Blanche Pinto
Lay Asst.Head : Margaret D’souza
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joel Pinto


Lay Head : Margaret D’souza
Lay Asst.Head : Rita Fernandes, John Bosco Fernandes
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joel Pinto

Our Lady of Salvation Sunday Catechesis was initiated in the year 1931 and has since been effectively instrumental in the faith formation of the children of the Parish. The Sunday School Catechetical programme covers children of the Parish from K.G. to Std. XI and follows the Archdiocesan programme of Catechesis.

Besides covering the regular Catechesis, the Sunday School also prepares the children of the Parish for the 2 Sacraments of Initiation –

- First Holy Communion – Std. IV
- Confirmation – Std. XI

The Sunday School has an efficient organizational structure lead by the Core Team and assisted by a dedicated team of Catechists.

The Core Team:

Assistant Head: Joannarita Fernandes (Primary Section)
Vailena D’Souza (Secondary Section)
N.A. (Confirmation Section)
Children’s Choir: Lystra Murzello
Liturgy: Margaret D’Souza
Priest in-charge: Fr. Glasten Gonsalves

The Core Team helps in planning and reviewing the activities of the Sunday School.

Sectional Heads:
Junior K.G. / Senior K.G.: Pheona Fernandes
Std. I: Marie Fulgado
Std. II: Meena Moniz
Std. III: Jovita Fernandes
First Holy Communion: Rona Fernandes
Std. V & VI: Christine Pinto
Std. VII & VIII: Olinda Mendonca
Std. IX & X:

The Sectional Heads assist the Core Team in the implementation of the Sunday School Plan and ensure effective local coordination within their groups.

There are currently 53 Catechists on roll that work as a team, tirelessly throughout the year to help the children grow not only in faith but also build up their talents; thereby providing for an all-round development of the child. The Catechists have focused on leveraging latest technologies (PowerPoint Presentations, Audio-visuals, Teaching aids, etc.) towards making the sessions more interesting and relevant.

Sunday School Programme:
The Sunday School Syllabus is based on the Archdiocesan Syllabus as established by the Diocesan Catechetical Centre and follows the 4-Step Method-
· Introduction
· Development
· Word of God
· Expression

This provides for a simplified yet comprehensive understanding of the Word of God.

Besides regular Catechesis, some of the activities at Sunday School that further help in the spiritual and personal development of the child include-

1. Animating children’s Mass
2. Nativity Novena & Feast Day Celebrations
3. Christmas Tree
4. Picnics & Outreaches
5. Participation in the Deanery-level Faith Formation Programmes
6. Participation in Deanery-level Choir Fest
7. Training Programmes for Confirmands – Personality Development, Relationships, Vocations and Careers
8. Retreat for Confirmands
9. Annual Day programmes, Christmas Pageants, Biblical Plays, Drawing Competitions, etc.

Networking and Collaboration:
The Sunday School has always focused on networking with the other Cells and Associations of the Parish for bringing out the best. Some of the noteworthy initiatives include-· Salvation Smart Parenting Programme – A Collaborative initiative with the Family Cell for Parents of First Holy Communion and Confirmation candidates· HEARTalk – Dialogue between Parents and Teenagers – A Collaborative initiative with the Family Cell· Prayer Service in the SCC’s – for First Holy Communion and Confirmation Candidates – A Collaborative initiative with the SCC’s

Sunday School is thus poised to face the challenges of today’s world and help children make the right decisions in life rooted in the Word of God.


Lay Head : Ferdy Pereira
Lay Asst.Head : Margaret D’Souza
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joseph Pimenta

Adult initiation is a programme for accompanying adults wishing to be incorporated into the life of Christ and His Church. The adult enquirer is helped throughout this period by catechists, animators, sponsors, godparents and priests. Initially the seeker learns about the life of Christ and three months later in September, the Rite of Acceptance takes place after which he enters the period of catechumenate as a “catechumen”. During this time he is introduced to the prayer life of the Church and is therefore offered a detailed explanation of the creed, the sacraments and the commandments. Having reached the end of the period of catechumenate, he is now equipped to step into the ranks of the “Elect”. This takes place at the Rite of Election on the 1st Sunday in Lent, when his name is enrolled in the register in the presence of the Bishop.

Lent being a period of purification and enlightenment thoroughly prepares the “elect” through the 3 scrutinizes, for the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Once this is completed, the newly baptized (“neophyte”) enters the final stage of incorporation. During this period the friendship, guidance, understanding and helpfulness of the catholic community, godparents and pastors are indispensable to strengthen and consolidate the new life that the neophyte has just begun to live.

The Dadar Centre of the RCIA started in our parish in the year 1996 under the guidance of the DCC (Diocesan Catechetical Centre). Two hour sessions are conducted once a week every Saturday in the Conference Room and catechetical instructions are offered in the English medium. There are other centers in the Archdiocese which cater to the Marathi, Hindi, Malayalam, Gujarati and Tamil speaking enquirers. Centres also have different days and times which the enquirers can choose as per their convenience / preferences.

For admission, the “seeker” is first encouraged to meet a priest in the parish he comes from. The priest then decides if the candidate is ready to try the journey. Once enrolled, the enquirer is expected to attend the weekly sessions punctually and regularly all through the year, so that he grasps and understands what exactly he is opting for.

Ferdy Pereira
Margaret D’Souza
Anna Fernandes
Noletti Pereira
Margaret Sequeira
Olivia D’Souza
Sameer Patil


Lay Head : Rosario Pereira
Lay Asst.Head : John D’Souza
Priest in Charge : Fr. Michael Pinto


Lay Head : Phoena Fernandes
Lay Asst.Head : Nisha D’costa
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joel Pinto

Introduction To Parish Family Cell (PFC):

The Parish Family Cell was formed in the year 2005 with a vision and mission : “ TO BUILD HAPPY, STABLE & CHRIST CENTERED FAMILIES”
The Parish Family Cell believes that :
“The future of humanity passes by way of the family”
“That the Family is the cradle of culture,- A community of love & life, of a man and woman open to life.”
“Family is the basic cell of a society and the church.”
(Pope John Paul 11(f.c.-86)

Our Vision:
1 To spread the teachings of the Church on Christian Marriage &Family.
2. To evolve Pastoral Care of Marriages & Families.
3. To provide the necessary training for empowerment and building up resource personnel.
4. To motivate family members involve in the mission of the Church.

Our Mission:

1. To have a proper Family Apostolate by establishing a Family Cell comprising of members in various walks of life: eg: married couples, married singles, youth, children, grandparents etc…, in the Parish.
2. Networking with Parish Groups namely, the parish cells and associations & In collaboration with the Family Commission of India and Snehalaya Family Service.
3. To help the Parish priest in preparing couples for Marriage.
4. To study the local situation of family / marital problems and work out effective strategies.
5. To foster deeper and better understanding between parents and children by organizing parenting programs.
6. To educate parishioners on Christian Pro-Life Values as well as on sensitive matters relating to sex, birth control, abortions etc.
7. To deal with matters of family violence, breakdown in marriages, families in crises due to addiction, depression etc, and pastoral Care for those contracting inter-faith marriages and rectifying of such marriages. To refer them to get professional counseling thru Snehalaya Family Service Centre.
8. To make families aware of secular issues affecting them and help them discover proper solutions.
9. To initiate the concept of a United Family and Praying Family.


Lay Head : Sydney Dsouza
Lay Asst.Head : Lauren Nazareth
Priest in Charge : Fr. Glasten Gonsalves


Lay Head : 
Lay Asst.Head : 
Priest in Charge : Fr. Glasten Gonsalves


Lay Head : Dr. Belinda Vaz
Lay Asst.Head : 
Priest in Charge : Fr. Glasten Gonsalves


Lay Head : Elvira Lobo
Lay Asst.Head : Gladys D’Silva
Priest in Charge : Fr. Glasten Gonsalves


Lay Head : Thelma Cardoz
Lay Asst.Head : N.A.
Priest in Charge : Fr. Michael Pinto


Lay Head : Thelma Cardoz
Lay Asst.Head : N.A.
Priest in Charge : Fr. Michael Pinto


Lay Head : 
Lay Asst.Head : 
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joseph Pimenta


Lay Head : Nora Vaz
Lay Asst.Head : Jovita Lobo
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joseph Pimenta

The “Senior Care Ministry” was started in our Parish on the 29th of June 2006, by our then Parish Priest, Fr. Felix, to fulfill a crying need of the growing number of housebound senior citizens in our Parish.

Our mission is to reach out to as many sick and housebound senior citizens as possible to make a difference in their lives. Our activities include visiting those who are sick and terminally ill, either at home or in hospitals. We also visit the lonely, housebound parishioners and, if need be, accompany them to the doctor, help them to purchase the prescribed medicines, run errands and arrange any other help they may need so as to improve the quality of their lives.

We have identified around 150+ sick and housebound parishioners in our parish from the data collected from the parish office. The members of the Senior Care Ministry carry out weekly visits and report their work during the monthly meetings held on the third Friday of every month. As part of our activities, we also carry out outreach programmes like a get-together of the housebound in our Parish Hall, visit the Clergy Home, Homes for the Aged and try to bring cheer into the lives of the senior residents there.

At present we are a group of 20 members who visit the sick and housebound in pairs. It is our endeavour to visit all our sick and housebound parishioners at-least once every three months but due to our small number, find it difficult to reach out to everyone, especially those who live far away.

We humbly request our parishioners, especially the youth and the recently retired, to join the Ministry and be a part of this mission entrusted to us. In doing so, we truly believe that the Lord will bless us abundantly.

 “To care for those who once cared for us, is one of the highest Honours”


Lay Head : Rebecca Periera
Lay Asst.Head : Victor Fernandes
Priest in Charge : Fr. Michael Pinto


Lay Head : 
Lay Asst.Head : 
Priest in Charge : Fr. Glasten Gonsalves


Lay Head : 
Lay Asst.Head : 
Priest in Charge : 


Lay Head : Onassen Dsouza
Lay Asst.Head : Loyola Fernandes
Priest in Charge : Fr. Joel Pinto

The Communication Cell began in Dec 2008 with three members by the then Parish Priest. Over the years and especially in 2012 an increased need for communication was felt within the parish. The Parish Priest and the PPC Vice-President worked towards this need and the Communication Cell was revamped on 22nd September 2012 with an increased number of members.

The Communication Cell maintains the parish website, designs and prints the parish calendar, designs and prints banners for various liturgical and social events of the parish, decorates notice boards on feast days, projects hymns and prayers at Sunday masses. The cell also photographs and video records parish events.


Lay Head : Seema Dsouza
Lay Asst.Head : Lavina Pednekar
Priest in Charge : Fr. Glasten Gonsalves

Lay Head :
Lay Asst.Head :
Priest in Charge :